
All too often we hear our clients share with us that they have had months, years, or if not, decades of bladder and bowel problems, yet they did not know where to turn to in order to get help. Chatter amongst their group of peers resulted in conversations like “Oh that’s normal,” “I have that problem too,” or “Yes, that happens as you get older,” which definitely helps with revealing bathroom problems are common and you are not alone, but there are interventions that can be performed with pelvic floor physical therapy to not make this your new norm.
Our pelvic floor musculature helps with bladder and bowel control, posture and stability, supporting our pelvic organs, and assisting with sexual functions. At certain times in our life, just like how we may have shoulder pain or elbow pain that emerges from strained muscles, a sudden injury, a chronic injury or a surgery, our pelvic floor muscles can be affected in the same way. However, our pelvic floor muscles have a lot of unique functions, so when they are affected, our symptoms may manifest differently.
If you are feeling like you constantly have to look for a bathroom, concerned about leakage, or straining associated with toileting, just to name a few, then it would likely benefit you to learn more about pelvic floor physical therapy.
Even if something has been affecting you for years, or just started, pelvic floor physical therapy will provide you with insight on how to optimize your pelvic health so you are not as concerned with having to always run to the bathroom!
Contributed by: Dr. Jessica Golden